Saturday, April 27, 2013

"like finding an unwrapped gift" (NZ Herald)

The first online review (that's not hidden behind a paywall, anyway) of In the Memorial Room is out today, and it's a good one!

Saturday 27 April 2013 NZ Herald
In the Memorial Room by Janet Frame Review by Paula Green

"Reading this is like finding an unwrapped gift long-hidden at the back of the wardrobe. The novel is quite unlike anything else Frame penned, yet she is recognisable in every pore of every sentence and of every word."

"This novel is like a prism that becomes something other as the light changes. It is a comedy, then fable, satire, then autobiography and, overall, uplifting fiction."

"This is a novel layered with vulnerability, intelligence, pain, joy and finely judged humour. I loved it - there is much to offer those familiar with Frame's work and a perfect starting point for those yet to read one of our treasured writers."

It's gratifying to see how well Paula Green 'gets' this dazzling book, even noting Frame's deliberate parody of vogue European writing styles.

This 13th and last novel from Janet Frame is out from Text Publishing in Australia and New Zealand.

US edition from Counterpoint available in the northern hemisphere fall of 2013.

Note: The marvellous photograph of Janet Frame illustrating the NZ Herald review was taken for the NZ Listener bJane Ussher, one of New Zealand's foremost portrait photographers. 

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